What a weekend we had! Two weddings, one in Poole on Thursday and one in Cheam on Saturday, so two lots of loading and unloading the car, and two lots of putting up and taking down. Wow, we were both done in. Once Sunday lunch time was past and everything had been returned to our store we collapsed onto the Settee, and I didn’t get to half time on the Sunday match before I was closely examining the inside of my eyelids.
But I thought I might show you some of what we did at the two venues. We took our L O V E letters and half way through the dancing I noticed that one bulb was out, shortly after everything stopped, the disco, the lights the whole lot. I went to the DJ and apologised. He straight away said, “Not you mate, they have a sound limiter, and I pumped it up too loud, everything went off.” So what happened to the bulb, someone broke it off and put the pieces behind the letter. So here is what the letters looked like.

I think they looked great We also added some lovely birdcages filled with silk flowers which matched the colour theme of the bride and groom.

These are just a few of the lovely things we can bring to your wedding or corporate event. Please give us a call on 01276 512 027 or follow the link to our contact us page. https://www.best-dressed-events.co.uk/contact
Here are two pictures from the other wedding.

This is the happy couple walking through Angela's beautiful arch.

I know this one looks very similar, but it is a different venue, and shows that the LOVE Letters look great where ever you are.
We can make your venue look great too. Why not give us a call on 01276 512 027 or use the Contact Us page on our web-site https://www.best-dressed-events.co.uk/contact